
Retrieving an element from a list at a specific index in Clarity smart contracts.

Function signature

(element-at? list-expr uint)
  • Input:
    • list-expr: A list expression
    • uint: An unsigned integer representing the index
  • Output: (optional A) where A is the type of elements in the list

Why it matters

The element-at? function is crucial for:

  1. Safely accessing elements in a list at a specific index.
  2. Handling potential out-of-bounds access without causing errors.
  3. Implementing logic that depends on retrieving specific elements from lists.
  4. Providing a way to work with lists in a more flexible manner.

When to use it

Use element-at? when you need to:

  • Retrieve a specific element from a list by its position.
  • Implement algorithms that require access to list elements by index.
  • Safely handle potential out-of-bounds access in list operations.
  • Work with lists in a way that may involve accessing elements at varying positions.

Best practices

  • Always check the returned optional value to handle cases where the index is out of bounds.
  • Use in combination with len to ensure you're not attempting to access beyond the list's length.
  • Consider using map or fold for operations that need to process all elements instead of accessing by index.
  • Be mindful of the zero-based indexing when using element-at?.

Practical example: Retrieve a specific item

Let's implement a function that retrieves an item from a todo list:

(define-data-var todoList (list 10 (string-ascii 50)) (list))

(define-public (add-todo (item (string-ascii 50)))
      (currentList (var-get todoList))
      (newList (as-max-len? (append currentList item) u10))
    (match newList
      newListValue (ok (var-set todoList newListValue))
      (err u1)

(define-read-only (get-todo (index uint))
  (match (element-at? (var-get todoList) index) item
    (ok item)
    (err u404)

;; Usage
(add-todo "Buy milk")
(add-todo "Walk the dog")
(get-todo u1) ;; Returns (ok "Walk the dog")
(get-todo u5) ;; Returns (err u404)

This example demonstrates:

  1. Using element-at? to retrieve an item from a list stored in a data variable.
  2. Handling the optional return value with match to provide meaningful responses.
  3. Safely accessing list elements without risking out-of-bounds errors.

Common pitfalls

  1. Forgetting that list indices are zero-based in Clarity.
  2. Not handling the case where element-at? returns none for out-of-bounds access.
  3. Using element-at? in a loop to process all elements, which is less efficient than using map or fold.
  • list: Used to create lists that can be accessed with element-at?.
  • len: Often used in conjunction with element-at? to check list bounds.
  • map: An alternative for processing all elements in a list.
  • fold: Another alternative for reducing a list to a single value.

Clarity 1 Version: element-at

In Clarity 1, this function was named element-at (without the question mark) and had a slightly different behavior:

(element-at list-expr uint)

The key differences are:

  1. It returns the element directly, not wrapped in an optional.
  2. It throws a runtime error if the index is out of bounds.

When migrating from Clarity 1 to newer versions, replace element-at with element-at? and add appropriate error handling for out-of-bounds cases.


The element-at? function is a safer and more flexible way to access list elements in Clarity smart contracts compared to its predecessor. By returning an optional value, it allows developers to handle out-of-bounds access gracefully, leading to more robust and error-resistant code. When working with lists in Clarity, element-at? is an essential tool for accessing specific elements while maintaining the integrity and safety of your contract operations.